Call for Papers - Special Issue 2023: Performing arts and international relations

Antropologia e Teatro – Anthropology and Theatre is concerned in opinions and discussions on both Anthropology and Performing Arts. The review sets a common denominator between the fields: correct and scientific exposition of the topics.

Antropologia e Teatro – Anthropology and Theatre is ranked journal of “Classe A” for academic section 11/A5 (Demoetnoanthropological Sciences) and as “Scientific Journal” in Area 10 (Antiquities, philology, literary studies, art history) by ANVUR (the national agency in charge of evaluating university and research institutions in Italy).

Edited by: Dipartimento delle Arti - Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna

Editor-in-Chief: Matteo Paoletti

Scientific editor: Casari Matteo

Scientific board 

Editorial Office

Technical support: Jean-Claude Capello

Current Issue

No. 18 (2024): Algoritmo Corea: performing arts ai tempi dell'intelligenza artificiale
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