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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines section.
  • The author is aware of the reviewing and editing process of the Journal.

Author Guidelines

Author guidelines: Antropologia e Teatro


In order to facilitate the final composition of the volume the Authors are kindly requested to follow the these editorial guidelines:

Line-spacing: 1,5

Font criteria: “Calibri” in 12-point.

(these settings correspond to a standard typewritten page)

Long vowels: macron (e. g.: “ō”) should be used rather than (e. g.: “ô”).

Foreign terms: all the foreign words, including trasliterations from extra-European languages, from Greek and from Latin should be written in italic, with the exception of terms used in common parlance (film, link, etc.).

Ideograms and non-latin alphabets: it's possible to use these kinds of scripts in their original form. Nevertheless, the term/sentence must be transliterated in latin alphabet and translated in brakets. The translation must be included in the text in case of single words; long sentences must be translated in a footnote.

Title and author: should be written by this order ahead of the text in two consecutive rows. Both should be drafted in “Calibri” 14-point (title) and 12-point (name of the author). Title and author should be separated from the text by a blank line, as follows:

Title of the article
by Name and Surname of the autor

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

Paragraphs: each paragraph marked by a title should be written in “Calibri” 12-point and separated by the text by a full stop. The text should be drafted by the next line, as follows:

Title of the paragraph

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

Quotes: all quotes should be written according the following system:

author – year of publication of the text – page(s);

the sentence must be set in “quotation marks”. In case of inner quotations, the text should be set in ‘inverted commas’, as follows: 

Il teatro  “nasce dall'opera congiunta di Kan'ami e Zeami a cavallo tra XIV e XV secolo” (Ortolani 1990: 141-142).

Long quotes: quotations that span multiple paragraphs (4 or 5 lines) should be set as block quotations, between two blank lines.

Quote font criteria: “Calibri”, 11-point, 1,5 line spacing, one-centimeter left and right indent, as follows:

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

Il teatro  nasce dall'opera congiunta di Kan'ami e Zeami a cavallo tra XIV e XV secolo. Padre e figlio danno avvio ad una poderosa azione di revisione dei generi popolari allora in voga al fine di offrire alla nuova famiglia shogunale al potere un teatro che ne rispecchiasse il potere e la raffinatezza” (Ortolani 1990: 141-142).

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

Quotes translated by the author should be set as following:

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text ” (author – year of publication of the text: page(s); translated by the author)

Whether the article include further translations by the author, the first quote will also present a footnote, indicating “Where not differently specified, the translation ought be considered by the author”

Footnotes: notes in the text must be numbered consecutively using superscript and then inserted at the end of the paper (“Calibri”, 10-point, single-spaced). Any quotes included in a footnote should be compiled as following:

author – year of publication of the text – page(s)

1 La comparazione tra il Nāṭyaśāstra e la Poetica di Aristotele o tra quest’ultima e i Trattati di Zeami è affrontata, tra gli altri, da Gupt Bharat (1994), Sata Megumi (1989) e Sukla A.C. (1977).


2 I motivi per cui tali comparazioni vengono condotte “non sono riducibili a uno soltanto ma, in genere, il focus principale è orientato a rilevare elementi di contiguità, similarità e parallelismo tra le opere poste in dialogo” (Casari in Azzaroni – Casari 2011: 14).

Captions: the images will be ordered by Arabic numbers and the text will be written in italic, 12-points, following a 1,5 line-spacing and centred.



Books and/or contributions from books:

year of publication - book title, publisher, place of publication (trans. title of the edition translated from the original language, publisher, place of publication and year)

e. g.:

1990   The Japanese Theatre - From Shamanistic Ritual to Contemporary Pluralism, Brill, Leiden (trad. it. Il teatro giapponese - Dal rituale sciamanico alla scena contemporanea, Bulzoni, Roma 1998).

2005   Listening to action-related sentences activates fronto-parietal motor circuits, in «Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience», n. 17, pp. 273-281.

Newspapers or Journals articles:

year of publication – title of the article, in «title of the journal», issue number.

e. g.:

1976 Zenchiku’s Aestetics of the Nō Theatre, in «Riverdale Studies», n. 3.


Unpublished thesis:

year of dissertation – title of the thesis, graduation/doctoral thesis, Institute, unpublished.

e. g.:

1994 Una storia balinese: il cak, tesi di laurea, Università di Bologna, inedita.


Excerpts included in the text should follow the same guidelines provided for the quotes (see section “Quotes”).

e. g.:

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text: “non esiste una codificazione definitiva del canto, specialmente quando, come nel nostro caso è molto lungo, se non nella scrittura; ma anche così può essere allungato o accorciato a piacimento sulla base di un accordo tra gli esecutori, o, più semplicemente, dell’occasione, di decisioni estemporanee. Il testo, insomma, a suo tempo veniva deciso dai cantori”.

Excerpts reporting dialogues:

Question - text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text?
Answer - text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.

Font criteria: Calibri, 12-point, single-spaced, right-indented (1 cm). After their first use, the terms “Question” and “Answer” may be replaced with Q. and A.

All the interviews must be provided with a footnote reporting name, age, date and place of the interview as follows:

Interview to Nino, 73 anni, 18 febbraio 2011, Lecce.


Theatre works

Author of the text
Directed by name and surname of Director, settings and costumes by name and surname of stage and costume designer [“settings” and costumes” may be replaced by other more relevant informations: music, choreography etc...]
Cast: name and surname (character) etc... .
Place, institution, date.


Title, directed by name and surname, with name and surname of main actors, country, B/W or color, lenght, as follows:

Le voyage dans la lune, regia di Georges Melies, con Tizio, Caio, Sempronio, Francia, B/N, 15'.

Any other relevant informations may be added to the present template.

Profile of the Author: to be added to the article. It should not exceed 500 characters.

Summary: the writing should not exceed 1000 characters (spaces included) both in english and in italian.

For any further question please contact the Administration.

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