Grotowski and Performance Studies


  • Dariusz Kosiński Jagiellonian University


Parole chiave:

performance, grotowski, schechner


There are many links joining performance studies and Jerzy Grotowski’s research and terminology. The article is an attempt of initial exploration of this dense web of relations following four main lines: 1) Grotowski’s historic links to the individuals and organizations that pioneered performance studies; 2) particular meanings that Grotowski gave to the terms related to performance studies; 3) Grotowski’s beliefs regarding the dramatic nature of human relations, which link him to the concepts of the forerunners and founders of performance studies; 4) Grotowski’s distinctive vision of behaviour in non-daily situations, different from the ideas of performance studies and his different perception of the function of performance from the ones dominant in performance studies. The task I set myself is to provide preliminary outline of these four areas and to put forth initial hypotheses to be tested in future studies.

Riferimenti bibliografici

BARBA, EUGENIO, 1964 ‘“Doctor Faustus” in Poland’, trans. by Richard Schechner, Tulane Drama Review, 8, 4 (T27), 120-33.

FLASZEN, LUDWIK, 2010 Grotowski & Company, translated by Andrzej Wojtasik and Paull Allain, Icarus, Holstebro – Malta – Wrocław.

GROTOWSKI, JERZY, 1973 Holiday The Day That Is Holy, transl. by Bolesław Taborski, «The Drama Review», vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 113-135.

GROTOWSKI, JERZY, 1997 Performer in: The Grotowski Sourcebook, SCHECHNER, R. – WOLFORD, L. (ed.), Routledge, London - New York, pp. 374-378.

GROTOWSKI, JERZY, 1988-1989 The Art of Beginner, translated by Jacques Chwat, «The Act», vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 6–7.

GROTOWSKI, JERZY, 1985 A Talk About Theatre For Youth At Schools, transl. by Jennifer Kumiega, in KUMIEGA, J., The Theatre of Grotowski, p. 235–236.

GROTOWSKI, JERZY, 2012 Teksty zebrane, ed. by ADEMIECKA-STIEK, A. – BIAGINI, M. – KOSIŃSKI, D. – POLLASTRELLI, C. – RICHARDS, T. – STOKFISZENEWSKI, I. (ed.), Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego, Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiegi, Warszawa-Wrocław.

KERSHAW, BAZ, 2009 Performance as research: live events and documents, in: Cambridge Companion to Performance Studies, DAVIS, C. D. (ed.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 23–45.

KRUKOWSKI, WOJCIECH, 1999 Grotowski – i co jest do zrobienia, «Dialog» (6), p. 106.

MCKENZIE, JON, 2001 Perform or Else: From Discipline to Performance, Routledge, London-New York.

SCHECHNER, RICHARD, 1997 Exoduction: Shape-shifter, shaman, trickster, artist, adept, director, leader, Grotowski, in: The Grotowski Sourcebook, SCHECHNER, R. – WOLFORD, L. (ed.), Routledge, London – New York, pp. 462–495.

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Come citare

Kosiński, D. (2024). Grotowski and Performance Studies. Antropologia E Teatro. Rivista Di Studi, 14(17), 1–14.


