Tracce, scambi, interpretazioni ed eredità. Analisi dei legami tra il Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium e l'America latina


  • Arianna Berenice De Sanctis



odin teatret, eugenio barba, america latina,


Odin Teatret formed in 1964. This international theater group first began its activities in Norway and then moved to Denmark. In the course of its long and valuable existence, this group has established a network of contacts throughout the world and, from the 1970s onward began focusing on developing its contacts in Latin America. These particular relations provide the structural key to understanding the theory and praxis characteristic of Odin. The encounter with Latin America proved decisive in shaping the political and aesthetic thinking of Eugenio Barba, for whom the theater would remain the favored means of exploring this part of the world. Moreover, the communitarian and familial structure of the Odin, its predilection for the ceremonial, its artisanal dimension, its obsession with «memory» and «commemoration» align themselves with the interests and concerns of many Latin American artists and these have insured the survival of this ensemble through the present day (2014), half a century after its inception. Throughout its many tours on the Latin American continent, Odin Teatret has been more famous for its meta-theatrical activities than for its productions, organizing conferences, encounters, seminars, master classes, trocs, and video projections, while at the same time developing significantly its publishing activities. Given that this network is based both on former and current relationships, whether established or exploratory, born at very different times and places, this current study aims to provide a micro-history of these in order highlight the meaning and design in the choices and activities implemented by the Danish group. This case study of an exemplary phenomenon in international theater in the 20th century allows us to better understand and contextualize the evolution of contemporary live theater.



How to Cite

De Sanctis, A. B. (2016). Tracce, scambi, interpretazioni ed eredità. Analisi dei legami tra il Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium e l’America latina. Antropologia E Teatro. Rivista Di Studi, 7(7).


