“Popular” and “Highbrow” in the theatre. Cultural interaction and osmosis between the genres


  • Theodoros Grammatas




highbrow, popular theatre, western culture,


Abstract – IT

Le categorie di “teatro popolare” e “teatro d'arte” si riferiscono a due ambiti culturali differenti, distinti non soltanto da caratteristiche estetiche di base, ma anche dai loro ruoli e dalle ricadute sociali. Ciascuno comporta specifici riferimenti e tecniche, contesti di spazio e di tempo deputati, strategie di comunicazione sia tra gli artisti, sia tra questi stessi e il pubblico. Ciononostante, malgrado la storica competizione tra cultura bassa e alta, il loro rapporto è sempre stato osmotico e complementare; reciproche influenze hanno costituito un equilibrio in perenne slittamento, nel teatro (e nella cultura) occidentale sin dalle origini rituali. L'autore presenta alcuni esempi, per convalidare tale approccio come prospettiva metodologica negli studi storiografici.


Abstract – EN

Categories such “popular” and “artistic” theatre refer to two different cultural fields, which are distinguished not only by their primary aesthetical features, but also by their social roles as well as consequences. Each one of them involves peculiar techniques and references, setting in space and time and strategies of communication, both among the artists and between them and the audience. Nevertheless, despite an historical competition involving low and highbrow culture, the relationship between these two fields is valued as osmotic and complementary; mutual influences have been constituing an ever-shifing balance in Western theatre (and culture) since its ritual origins. The author eventually exposes some examples in order to validate such approach as a methodologic perspective in Western historical Theatre Studies.




How to Cite

Grammatas, T. (2013). “Popular” and “Highbrow” in the theatre. Cultural interaction and osmosis between the genres. Antropologia E Teatro. Rivista Di Studi, 4(4). https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2039-2281/3695


