Linee guida per la sostenibilità degli eventi dal vivo


  • Andrea Zardi University of Turin



sustainability, ISO 20121, guidelines


In recent years, the topic of sustainability in the cultural sphere has prompted a wide-ranging reflection on the impact that the live event can have within the debate. The need to change the relationship between human activity, the environment, and the economic and social processes involves various productive sectors including the cultural dimension and live performance. The interest in sustainability also permeated institutional discourse - thanks to the possibility of obtaining substantial funding - through new standards and norms governing the organization of live events, for example, the CAM (Minimum Environmental Criteria) for cultural events realization. In this essay, we will analyze the case of a standard of a voluntary nature, the ISO 20121: 2012 (Event Sustainability Management System), and its possible application in small and medium-sized organizations, providing a useful tool for the planning, realization, and maintenance of a sustainable event.


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How to Cite

Zardi, A. (2024). Linee guida per la sostenibilità degli eventi dal vivo. Antropologia E Teatro. Rivista Di Studi, 14(17), 100–119.


