Il Rabinal Achí di Ondinnok. Il patrimonio immateriale come pratica incarnata nel teatro contemporaneo del Québec


  • Daniela Sacco IUAV - Venezia



The paper interrogates the value and meaning of the concept of intangible heritage as defined in the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage established by UNESCO in 2003 as an embodied practice and from a decolonial perspective. The reflection focuses particularly on the case of the play Xajoj Tun Rabinal Achí by the indigenous Quebec company Ondinnok, which in 2010 staged in Montreal a theatrical reworking from the 15th-century Guatemalan Mayan drama Rabinal Achí, which predates the Hispanic colonial conquest and was declared in 2005 by UNESCO to be one of the masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity .



How to Cite

Sacco, D. (2023). Il Rabinal Achí di Ondinnok. Il patrimonio immateriale come pratica incarnata nel teatro contemporaneo del Québec. Antropologia E Teatro. Rivista Di Studi, 14(16), 169–186.