Lévi-Strauss, antropocene e negantropocene


  • Luca Jourdan




Although structuralism has left a very limited legacy in the contemporary anthropological debate, to the point of suggesting it is definitively over, some fragments of Lévi-Strauss's thought are now reconsidered and made the subject of controversy. I refer here to the debate on anthropocene and neghentropy. In the first, the pessimism of Lévi-Strauss re-emerges in order to affirm the possibility of an imminent catastrophe that will results in a world without men. Similarly, the theorist of negentropy, Bernard Stiegler, starts from a deep critique of Lévi-Strauss, accused of irrationality and nihilism, to affirm the possibility for the humanity to usher in a new era, the neganthropocene, through the elaboration and adoption of new practices and knowledge aiming at counteracting entropy. This article intends to consider the way in which Lévi-Strauss's thought is taken up in these debates in order to reaffirm the validity and actuality of his anti-humanism.



How to Cite

Jourdan, L. (2019). Lévi-Strauss, antropocene e negantropocene. Antropologia E Teatro. Rivista Di Studi, 10(11), 142–153. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2039-2281/10099